With spring just a few weeks away, you are itching to climb behind the handlebars of your favorite motorcycle and explore everything Tennessee has to offer. Of course, because motorcycle riding can be dangerous, you must wear appropriate protective gear. If you fail...
Proven. Experienced Trial Attorneys
A motorcyclist may face spinal cord injury if a crash occurs
In a car-motorcycle crash, the motorcyclist is the most vulnerable to serious injury because he or she lacks the protection a closed vehicle offers.Broken bones are common in a motorcycle accident, but one of the most serious and potentially life-changing results...
3 reasons for the increase in pedestrian accidents
Walking is a good form of exercise and transportation. This physical activity has a low risk of injury, making it an appealing choice if you cannot or do not like to engage in more vigorous movement.However, where you walk makes a huge difference in how safe it is,...
Falls kill about 1,800 U.S. nursing home residents annually
When you place a parent or another elderly loved one in a nursing home or assisted living facility, you likely do so after acknowledging that he or she needs extra assistance when it comes to getting around and otherwise caring for his or herself. While deciding to...
Common injuries for nursing home residents
Nursing homes should be safe places for elderly people to receive proper care. Sadly, safety hazards are common in nursing homes. One example is how many falls occur in these facilities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 50...
Medical errors the nation’s third-most common cause of death
Americans place a good deal of trust in their physicians, and with good reason. The decisions these medical professionals make often have serious repercussions, and in some cases, they even have the capacity to mean the difference between life and death.Statistics...
4 apps for new moms to identify signs of birth injuries
Pregnancy, birth of children and motherhood are all extraordinary milestones in your life. But the transformations do not stop there. Your baby will experience a variety of turning points, from giggling for the first time to learning how to speak. It is helpful to...
The top errors doctors make in the emergency room
With any luck, you may require a trip to the emergency room once or twice in your lifetime. The trips may wind up costing you more than hours of waiting and thousands of dollars – they could end up costing you permanent injury, illness or even death.Medical...
Driving hazards during the holidays
The winter months are full of holidays and celebrations. While these festivities are usually cause for joy, they can also be cause for pain when car accidents occur. More people tend to be on the road, many from out of town to visit friends and family.You can help...
Understanding Erb’s palsy
As a Tennessee mother-to-be, your developing baby’s health, welfare and safety likely always is at the top of your mind. You consequently do everything in your power to maintain your own good health so that (s)he will benefit from it. Unfortunately, however, you...