Teenage car accident rates increase dramatically in the summer. It’s long been said that the three most dangerous months for teens are June, July and August. It’s one thing to understand that this increase happens or to know that around 1,000 people will lose their...
Proven. Experienced Trial Attorneys
Month: April 2021
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Can crash-avoidance technology help teens be safer drivers?
One of the main reasons why seasoned motorists fear sharing the road with teenage drivers is their lack of driving experience. Veteran behind the wheel do have a valid reason to worry about newly licensed, teen drivers if you look at Centers for Disease Control and...
Can you sustain injuries in an auto accident that are not evident right away?
Being in an auto accident is traumatic. You get shaken up emotionally and physically. You could be in shock. Your adrenalin is pumping. You may also be unaware that you sustained injuries that are not instantly apparent. In fact, some injuries can go undetected for...