If you go to the hospital for surgery, your surgeon may use a permanent marker to make certain marks on your skin. In some cases, surgeons will write their own initials, while in others, they may draw an X or other lines around the area where the surgery will be...
Proven. Experienced Trial Attorneys
Medical Negligence
Negligence is necessary for medical malpractice
Doctors are highly trained and tend to be thorough. Nonetheless, doctors are only human and they do make mistakes – sometimes serious ones. A mistake is not necessarily medical malpractice. For medical malpractice to occur, the doctor needs to have been negligent....
Doctors tend to misdiagnose heart attacks in women
A heart attack misdiagnosis is a very serious medical mistake. The ramifications can be severe for the patient, and they are often fatal. What sometimes happens is that the doctor diagnoses the patient with something like indigestion, anxiety or gastronomical...
4 injuries as a result of surgical errors
Surgery is among the most sensitive treatment methods, and as such, operating room procedures should be followed meticulously to minimize risks and guarantee patient safety. Despite these precautions, surgical errors can occur, leading to various complications and...
2 examples of surgical malpractice
Surgical procedures and technology have advanced rapidly in recent decades. At one point in time, all surgical procedures would have been considered highly risky. While surgery still poses risks today, these risks can be much better managed. Nonetheless, that doesn’t...
3 examples of potential medical malpractice
Medical malpractice happens when a doctor does not uphold the expected standard of care. This doesn’t mean that they have to be perfect or that every outcome a patient has must be positive. But a patient should be able to expect reasonable treatment under current...
A Tennessee doctor’s words can be used as evidence of malpractice
The evidence on whether an apology from a doctor for a mistake or misdiagnosis minimizes the chances of a patient or family taking legal action is mixed. That decision is often based on several factors, like how serious the resulting harm was and how egregious the...
Events that shouldn’t ever occur during surgeries
Surgical never events are alarming and significant errors that should never occur during surgery. Unfortunately, they do occur, which causes considerable harm to patients. These mistakes are so egregious that they're often considered preventable with proper care and...
Can delivery delays cause birth injuries?
The birth of a child is a joyous occasion for any family, but it can also be a time of great anxiety and uncertainty. When a baby is born with a birth injury, the parents are often left wondering what went wrong. Let’s explore the relationship between delivery delays...
How can you guard against medication errors?
Medication errors happen so easily. Fatigued doctors write down dosages with a decimal point in the wrong place. Distracted pharmacists pick up the wrong bottle by mistake when filling a prescription. A harried nurse delivers medication meant for Patient A to Patient...