The evidence on whether an apology from a doctor for a mistake or misdiagnosis minimizes the chances of a patient or family taking legal action is mixed. That decision is often based on several factors, like how serious the resulting harm was and how egregious the...
Proven. Experienced Trial Attorneys
Month: October 2023
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Why crashes will increase next month
Despite calls for years now to make Daylight Saving Time (DST) permanent and even proposed legislation in Congress to do so, the semi-annual time changes continue throughout most of the country, including Tennessee. The next time change is coming up on Nov. 5 when DST...
Why is whiplash such an elusive auto accident injury?
Whiplash is a term often thrown around in the context of car accidents, but its true nature remains elusive to many. It's not just a physical injury; it's a puzzle with many pieces. This injury occurs when the head is suddenly forced forward and then backward, causing...