Memphis Misdiagnosis And Failure To Diagnose Lawyers
Many medical malpractice cases are the result of a doctor simply failing to take the time to thoroughly review the patient’s symptoms. Rather than ordering tests or sending the patient to a specialist, the doctor makes an assumption, issues a quick diagnosis and sends the patient away. Unfortunately, if the actual condition is something like cancer, a stroke or a heart attack, the patient may suffer irreparable damage.
At Rosenblum & Reisman, our Memphis misdiagnosis attorneys have more than 20 years of experience handling these cases for people throughout Tennessee. We take great care to build strong cases, working with top experts as necessary. We are trial attorneys, prepared to go the distance if necessary to get you the compensation you need.
Why Was The Medical Condition Not Diagnosed?
Often, the misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose is the result of the doctor making assumptions. Instead of ruling out all of the conditions that may be possible based on the patient’s symptoms, starting with the most severe, he or she jumps to a conclusion.
Misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose may also be the result of testing. The doctor may initially order the proper tests. However, there may be an error in the lab that prevents the test results from showing the full conditions. Sometimes, the test results may indicate a serious condition like cancer, but the doctor does not read the test results properly.
These are complex cases, so it is necessary that our lawyers be thorough in gathering information and understanding every step of the process. We want to hold the negligent medical professional accountable and recover full compensation for the victim.
Free Consultation
Were you or a loved one the victim of medical misdiagnosis? Call our office at 901-527-9600 or send us an email, to schedule a free consultation. All cases are handled on a contingency basis, which means you pay nothing unless we get you compensation.