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3 things that could cause wrong-way accidents

On Behalf of | Feb 4, 2025 | Car Accidents |

Wrong-way accidents are extremely dangerous. They typically lead to head-on collisions at high speeds, which can cause severe injuries and are often fatal.

That said, encountering a wrong-way driver is the last thing most people expect while behind the wheel. These accidents are relatively rare, but they do happen. What are some of the reasons drivers make such a crucial mistake?

1. Driver confusion

Some drivers simply get confused. A young driver might take the wrong ramp onto the interstate because they misinterpret the road design. An elderly driver experiencing cognitive decline may make a mistake they wouldn’t have made in their younger years.

2. GPS instructions

Wrong-way crashes can also occur when drivers blindly follow incorrect GPS instructions. There have been cases where people have driven off the road, into local parks and even into bodies of water because they relied entirely on their navigation system. It’s important for drivers to remember that GPS systems can be wrong and that they should not follow directions without verifying their surroundings.

3. Alcohol use

The most common cause of wrong-way accidents, however, is alcohol impairment. Drunk drivers make errors that would otherwise seem inexplicable. In some cases, they are so intoxicated that they black out and have no memory of the accident they caused.

Exploring your legal options

Have you lost a loved one in a wrong-way crash or suffered serious injuries yourself? If so, take the time to carefully explore all of your legal options. You may be able to seek compensation from the responsible driver to cover medical bills, lost wages, funeral costs, pain and suffering, a reduced earning capacity and much more.

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