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What can be learned from the leading causes of crashes last year?

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2025 | Car Accidents |

As Memphis and other parts of Tennessee endure an unusually cold winter, below-freezing temperatures, ice and snow, drivers are facing challenging road conditions. Since many Tennessee drivers aren’t as comfortable driving in these conditions as those a bit farther north, they’re likely to see more crashes.

Tennessee already has its fair share of collisions. Recently, the Tennessee Highway Patrol (THP) released some statistics from last year on the leading causes of crashes and where most of them occurred.

What behaviors caused the most crashes in 2024?

Based on information gathered by the Tennessee Integrated Traffic Analysis Network (TITAN) and the Tennessee Department of Safety & Homeland Security, the leading causes of crashes in 2024 where a driver action was cited, in order of frequency, were:

  • Following improperly (typically, following too closely behind another vehicle)
  • Failing to yield the right of way
  • Failing to obey traffic controls (like traffic lights and signs)
  • Careless or erratic driving (which is often caused by distracted driving)
  • Improper lane changing

These might sound like relatively routine examples of bad driving that are seen all the time on the roads. While they may not always result in the most serious injuries, they do cause the most crashes. At least they did last year in Tennessee.

The THP also determined which counties had the most (and the fewest) number of crashes. Not surprisingly, Shelby County, which is home to Memphis, had the most.

Careless and reckless driving behaviors can cause serious injuries

It’s important not to ignore drivers who are engaging in illegal driving behaviors like those listed above because they are the most likely to cause a collision – especially when the roads are wet and slippery during an unusually cold winter. Those struck by another driver or who have to make a sudden move to avoid an erratic driver or one who ignores a stop sign can end up with serious and even fatal injuries.

If you’ve been injured in a crash caused by another driver, it’s important not to just take it for granted that you’ll get the compensation you deserve. That means making sure you know the full extent of your injuries and both economic and non-economic damages (in the near future and in the long term) before agreeing to any settlement. Having legal guidance is generally the best way to help ensure that your rights are protected.

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