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Post-traumatic stress disorder after a car crash

On Behalf of | Aug 19, 2024 | Car Accidents |

Many people focus heavily on the physical effects of a car crash, but the mental effects of these wrecks can be longer lasting and more difficult to treat. For some people, a crash leaves such an impact on them that they suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

PTSD is a mental health condition that occurs after someone experiences a traumatic event, such as a car crash. It causes persistent anxiety that interferes with daily life. The crash doesn’t have to be serious for PTSD to occur, and symptoms may not appear for days or even weeks after the wreck. 

Recognizing the symptoms

The symptoms of PTSD can vary considerably. They typically include intrusive thoughts about the crash that can come in the form of nightmares or flashbacks. Some people may become irritable or have trouble sleeping. 

Some people who have PTSD may avoid being in a vehicle, which can negatively impact their ability to live a normal life. They may not even want to be a passenger. 

Seeking treatment and support

PTSD can worsen over time, which is one reason why prompt treatment is necessary. Even if the person doesn’t realize that they have PTSD, seeking mental health help if they’re suffering from depression or anxiety that can’t move past may be beneficial. 

Cognitive-behavioral therapy and medications may be helpful in treating PTSD. These can become costly, and those expenses may occur when the person is having to miss work because of the effects of the crash. Ultimately, victims of crashes may opt to pursue compensation to help cover the costs of care and other expenses related to the crash. 


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