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Brain injuries from car crashes often lead to injury lawsuits

On Behalf of | Jul 26, 2024 | Car Accidents |

Motor vehicle collisions are a leading cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). There are many different ways for a collision to potentially cause a TBI. Some people strike their heads, and the blunt force trauma that results causes damage to the brain. Other people may have penetrating injuries caused by flying debris or damage to the brain caused by violent vehicle motions. Regardless of the mechanism that causes a TBI, the affected party may have major expenses to address.

The medical support required can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in some cases. The affected individual may also experience a noticeable reduction in their earning potential. Many people dealing with the consequences of a TBI caused by a crash have to take the matter to civil court if they want to recover their financial losses.

Tennessee has low insurance requirements

The primary reason that people take legal action after a car crash causes a TBI is that baseline insurance requirements are simply too low. Tennessee requires that drivers carry a combination of property damage and personal injury liability coverage.

However, the amount of coverage mandated under state law falls far short of what a crash may cost if someone has a serious injury. Many drivers in Tennessee only have $25,000 worth of bodily injury liability coverage if one other person gets hurt. The state requires a minimum of $50,000 in coverage when crashes result in two or more people incurring injuries.

Low policy requirements mean that the maximum amount of insurance available may be only a fraction of someone’s medical expenses or lost wages. If there isn’t adequate insurance based on someone’s current and future medical expenses and lost income, then a lawsuit may be the only other option available.

Frequently, those with TBIs and other catastrophic injuries seek compensation from the driver at fault for the wreck. They may be personally liable for any costs that exceed what insurance pays. Occasionally, there could also be third parties with a degree of liability, including employers, vehicle manufacturers and other businesses.

Exploring ways to cover brain injury expenses can be beneficial for those involved in serious collisions. Those who did not directly cause a crash can often hold the party that did accountable for the injuries that they developed because of the wreck.

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