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Factors that elevate rollover crash risks

On Behalf of | May 21, 2024 | Car Accidents |

Rollover crashes are among the most severe types of vehicle accidents, often resulting in serious injuries or fatalities. Understanding the contributing factors that elevate the risk of rollover crashes can help drivers take preventative measures and possibly reduce the occurrence of these dangerous incidents. 

Ultimately, several factors influence the likelihood of a rollover, including vehicle design, environmental conditions and driver behavior.

Vehicle type

The kind of vehicle one drives impacts rollover risk. Taller, narrower vehicles such as SUVs, pickup trucks and vans have higher centers of gravity, and are therefore more susceptible to rolling over compared to lower-profile cars. The higher center of gravity makes these vehicles less stable in maneuvers that involve sharp turns or sudden changes in direction.


High speeds have the potential to exacerbate the effects of other risk factors and can turn what might be a recoverable swerve or drift into a deadly rollover. Vehicles that enter a curve at too high a speed or execute a sudden maneuver to avoid an obstacle are particularly at risk. The force exerted on a vehicle during these actions can easily lead to a loss of control and subsequent rollover.

Driver behavior 

Rollover crashes are often linked to risky driving behaviors, including distracted driving, impaired driving and aggressive driving. Drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs have impaired judgment and reflexes, which significantly increase the likelihood of a rollover. Similarly, distracted driving, such as using a smartphone while driving, diverts attention from the road, increasing the chance of an accident.

Road conditions

Poor road conditions can also contribute to rollover accidents. Slippery roads due to rain, ice or snow can reduce a vehicle’s stability, making it more prone to sliding sideways and rolling over. Uneven surfaces, potholes, and unexpected soft road shoulders can disrupt the vehicle’s trajectory and balance, leading to a rollover.

At the end of the day, awareness of what causes such wrecks and cautious driving are key to minimizing the risks associated with rollover crashes.


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